Croissanteries à la mode

Text Luis Leal Miranda

In the 1980s Portugal went through a croissanterie fever. The popularization of deep-frozen puff pastry and the eagerness to try each and every novelty fostered the sale of a new product: the croissant. Served hot, plain or with a countless number of sweet or savoury fillings. This fashion also coincided with the creation of the country’s first shopping malls, many of which were small galleries that opened in the ground floors or basements of buildings located in both the centres and suburbs of Portuguese cities. Now that in the 2020s the croissanterie fashion seems to have returned, we look back at those that were part of the lives and especially the youth of another decade. What new ways of consuming and socialising, but also what new environments, equipment and ways of communicating did these croissanteries introduce to Portugal?

Texto: Luis Leal Miranda
Fotografia: Arquivo