Assorted biscuits and miniatures

Text Ana Gil
Illustrations Virgílio Nogueiro Gomes

The Fabrico Próprio universe is characterised primarily by one-portion cakes, which are consumed throughout the country and throughout the year. However, there is a part of this universe that consists of cakes that are not sold by the unit but by the kilogram. From cake miniatures to the Sortido Húngaro, or Hungarian assortment or biscuits and shortbreads, from meringues to candied and chocolate-covered fruits, these semi-indsutrial confections also reflect distinct consumptions and rituals. More than ways to reduce portions and caloric intake, these confections offered to home visits and family gatherings take home the conviviality we associate with going to the café or to the pastelaria. By also diversifying the flavors, ingredients, and textures of cakes that are neither less nor more than a dessert, they also reflect more crafted, refined approaches to traditional and regional confectionery.