Francisco Luís Parreira

Francisco Luís Parreira has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy (UL), a postgraduate degree in Diplomatic Sciences (ISCSP, 1989) and a Master’s and PhD in Communication Sciences in the specialty of Contemporary Culture and New Technologies (UNL, 2006 and 2012). He is a professor at the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (IPL), where he teaches Aesthetics and Contemporary Art, Dramatic Literature I and II, Theories of Theatre Art II and Performing Arts of the Orient. He founded and, until 2015, directed the Dramatic Arts – Actor Training courses at ULP, and the Performing Arts and Technologies course at ULHT, institution where he also taught in the Doctor of Philosophy and Communication Sciences courses. His areas of teaching, communication and academic publication have been predominantly aesthetics, literature and dramatic theory, cultural theory, communication theory and oriental arts. As an author and playwright, he has collaborated with several national artistic companies and institutions, where he has premiered twelve dramatic originals. He has published poetry and theater. He is also active as a translator, literary critic, visual artist and film script writer.

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