S & I: Egg yolk, sugar and walnut. H & C: Known as the Noz de Sintra or Noz de Cascais, its origin is disputed by these two towns near Lisbon. It is also claimed to be a cake popular […]
S & I: Egg yolk, sugar and walnut. H & C: Known as the Noz de Sintra or Noz de Cascais, its origin is disputed by these two towns near Lisbon. It is also claimed to be a cake popular […]
S & I: Eggs and milk. Variations with cinnamon, honey or lemon zest. H & C: Also known as Tigelada de Abrantes. Its oldest historical reference dates back to the book Caderno de Receitas of Infanta Maria (16th century) where […]
S & I: Shredded coconut, egg yolk and sugar. H & C: Often considered a Brazilian cake, our research uncovered references to its origins as a Portuguese convent speciality, taken to Brazil during the period of the Portuguese discoveries. Also […]
S & I: Shredded coconut, egg yolk, sugar and cherry. H & C: This cake may be categorised as a pudding. Its origin is tied to the town of Vouzela, in Northern Portugal. According to tradition, Mimos de Vouzela were […]
S & I: Shortcrust pastry, white beans and almond filling. H & C: Derived from the regional speciality of Fábrica Coroa of Torres Vedras, it is often mistaken for the Lamego, which is similar in appearance but does not contain […]
S & I: Shortcrust pastry, shredded coconut filling, cherry half. H & C: The introduction of coconut into Portuguese pastry is closely related to the so-called Portuguese discoveries or seafaring voyages undertaken in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the […]
S & I: Roulade and Napkin dough, plain or chocolate butter cream, rolled in thin sheet of chocolate, finished with fios de ovos. H & C: Its origin is most likely foreign. May be served with parchment paper used in […]
S & I: Two portions of Roulade and Napkin dough, joined with butter cream, finished with coffee or chocolate fondant icing. H & C: Also known as the Geladinho (Icy) or Delicioso (Delicious). The butter cream in the coffee variation […]
S & I: Baba dough, chantilly cream. H & C: Also known as Baba au rhum, the invention of this cake is attributed to the Polish king Stanislas Leszczynski, duke of Lorraine in the 18th century. According to legend, the […]
S & I: Roulade and Napkin dough, chantilly cream filling with gelatin, covered with doce de ovos and finished with caramelised sugar. H & C: We were unable to uncover the origin of name or its relation to the evangelist […]
S & I: Almond Roulade and Napkin dough, butter cream or Russian cream filling. Finished with icing sugar or almond flour. H & C: Derived from the original French recipe for the Russo which combines puff pastry with almond Roulade […]
S & I: Roulade and Napkin dough, chocolate butter cream, finished with chocolate fondant icing. H & C: We were unable to confirm whether the name Garibaldi is linked to the hero of Italian unification. Nowadays, less caloric alternatives to […]