Cake Encyclopedia


Pastel de Nata, Palmier, Jesuíta, Alsaciano, Bolo de Arroz, Parra, Mil Folhas, Queque, Travesseiro, Bom Bocado, Brisa, Esquimó, Pata de Veado, Orelha, Rim, Tíbia, Caracol, Bábá, Napoleão, Josefina, Bola de Berlim, Xadrez, Duchesse… 

We are not talking about regional sweets or specialities (even if we acknowledge that some of them are part of the daily set of cakes available in some cake shops): all the cakes we choose with or café (expresso), galão (latte) or glass of milk, are the same from Braga to Tavira, from Angra do Heroísmo in the Azores islands to downtown Lisbon. 

It’s not worth the effort, as we can trust the talent and mastery of the bakers who bring them to any counter or shop window of a cake shop or café, throughout the country, everyday. That’s why this is not a recipe book. 

92 different cakes are pictured in the book in individual charts pointing out what is behind its forms, contents, ingredients, names and stories of each cake. All photos are by Soraya Vasconcelos.